Here is the second in my “Scivias chants” mini series: O tu suavissima virga. The first was O splendidissima gemma, and this is its paired responsory – also dedicated to the Virgin Mary. (You will find my setting of O splendidissima gemma here.)
I will now get to work revisiting this one, so that it is ready in time for the live première of both these Scivias pieces: during a concert to be given by my new group, Ensemble Caldemia, at 6pm on March 16th in the Brussels Cathedral.
o tu suavissima virga: a responsory dedicated to the Virgin Mary

O you, the sweetest branch, sprouting from the root of Jesse. O how great is the virtue which the divinity beheld in this most beautiful daughter, like an eagle sets its eye to the sun, when the heavenly father directed attention to the bright virgin, in whom he wished his word to be made carnate. V: For in the mystical mystery of God, the virgin’s mind was enlightened and from her came forth the wonderfully bright flower.
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