Saturday, October 31, 2020
This is the third in my song cycle for Saint Ursula. It is connected to the first two in the series, and will lead directly into antiphon 4: deus enim in prima muliere. Maybe now that lockdown is upon us again this project will speed up. Watch this space! St Ursula at lauds: no. 3 […]
Wednesday, October 28, 2020
Here is the second revisited chant in my song cycle of eight antiphons for Saint Ursula. St Ursula at lauds: no 2. unde quocumque so wherever they came to on their way they were received with the joy of heavenly paradise, [the kiss of peace to the virgin ursula] because they appeared in honourable religious […]
Wednesday, October 21, 2020
Today is the feast of Saint Ursula. In her honour, I proudly post my first revisited chant in the song cycle that will feature all eight of the antiphons written by Hildegard for Saint Ursula’s feast day, for singing at the office of lauds. St Ursula at lauds: no 1. studium divinitatis divine zeal in […]
The eighth and final antiphon in the series: Office for the feast of Saint Ursula, 8 antiphons in matutinis laudibus (for lauds). Next up – the eight chants in their revisited form… Antiphon 8. sed diabolus but the devil in his envy mocked it since he has never left any work of god untouched
The seventh and penultimate antiphon in the series: Office for the feast of Saint Ursula, 8 antiphons in matutinis laudibus (for lauds). Antiphon 7. deus enim rorem because god sent his dew upon them from which came a great fame so that all people savoured this fame like food