No fewer than 13 of Hildegard von Bingen’s 77 liturgical chants are in honour of Saint Ursula and companions. With Saint Ursula’s feast day coming up on October 21st, I have decided to create a mini-series of chants that will feature the eight antiphons that Hildegard wrote for singing at Lauds as part of the […]
Wednesday, September 30, 2020
hodie aperuit – the door opens Throughout this project, I have sometimes been surprised by the turn a particular piece has taken. This one is a case in point. My “revisiting” of Hildegard’s hodie aperuit uses the chant melody as the basis for a kind of motet. It follows in the footsteps of many medieval […]
Saturday, September 26, 2020
hodie aperuit And here I am, almost a quarter of the way through this project… today a closed door has opened which the serpent suffocated in woman and in the dawn shines the flower of the virgin mary.
Tuesday, September 22, 2020
o virtus sapientie – the three wings Wisdom’s three wings… It had to be one for three voices, really. antiphon to divine wisdom: o power of wisdom, that circled circling and embracing all in one path, filled with life – you have three wings: one flies up high, another brings freshness to the earth, the […]
Tuesday, September 22, 2020
Thank you, Annemarie Schoots for these lovely souvenirs 🙂