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Category Archives: Miscellaneous

Project Hildegard #27

An alleluia antiphon for the Blessed Virgin Mary, in honour of her Presentation last Saturday (November 21th). This one is ear-marked to be the next in a series I am writing for the medieval/contemporary group La Noeva. I’m curious to see how the a cappella six voice version will turn out – more anon! alleluia […]

Project Hildegard: St Ursula at Lauds – the complete song cycle

Here, as promised, the whole song cycle with all eight pieces put together. divine zeal in highest praise gave the kiss of peace to the virgin Ursula, with her crowd, among all the people; so wherever they came to on their way they were received with the joy of heavenly paradise, because they appeared in honourable religious […]

Project Hildegard: St Ursula at Lauds (Part 2)

So here is Part 2 of my song cycle: St Ursula at lauds, with the second set of four revisited antiphons put together as one piece. In my next post, I will put the Parts 1 and 2 together so that you can listen to the full song cycle with the minimum number of clicks… […]

Project Hildegard #26 (2)

This is the eighth and last revisited antiphon in my song cycle: St Ursula at lauds. I will now put no.s 5 – 8 together and post them as Part 2. Watch this space! In the meantime, here is the final piece of the puzzle: St Ursula at lauds: no. 8 sed diabolus but the […]

Project Hildegard #25 (2)

I am excited to post the seventh and penultimate piece in my song cycle St Ursula at lauds. St Ursula at lauds: no. 7 deus enim rorem because god sent his dew upon them from which came a great fame so that all people savoured this fame like food [and the firmament sustains it] (additional […]