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Category Archives: Miscellaneous

Project Hildegard #42

I dedicate this chant to the victims of the earthquake in Turkey and Syria. My thoughts are with you. o cruor sanguinis O blood of blood that sounded on high, when all the elements joined together in lamentation and with trembling, because the blood of their creator had touched them. Anoint us for our weariness. […]

Happy New Year’s Resolution!

On this third day of 2023, I am recording my New Year’s resolution here, so that I remember it and try to stick to it! My resolution for 2023 is to expand the notion of kindness, which is for me an essential element on our road to peace and happiness, and extend kindness to myself. […]

Project Hildegard #41(2)

Here is my version of Hildegard von Bingen’s kyrie eleison: kyrie eleison – have mercy Lord have mercy. Christ have mercy. Lord have mercy. I took this picture of a double-headed eagle on our recent trip to Greece. Symbol of Byzantium and an important image for the Greece orthodox church, it seems an appropriate accompaniment […]

Project Hildegard #41

Only two of Hildegard von Bingen’s chants are directly linked to the Mass. The alleluia o virgo mediatrix, for which I have already made an a cappella setting, and the kyrie eleison. The kyrie is interesting, as it apparently borrows heavily from another chant – o lucidissima apostolorum turba – one of the chants whose […]

Project Hildegard #40 (2)

The B natural / B flat ambiguity in the manuscript inspired me to play around with two different modes for the revisiting of this one – one starting on D (transposed to A) and one starting on E. Hope you like it! o choruscans lux – shining gem o glittering starlight o most splendid and […]