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Author Archives: Penelope Turner

Project Hildegard #25 (2)

I am excited to post the seventh and penultimate piece in my song cycle St Ursula at lauds. St Ursula at lauds: no. 7 deus enim rorem because god sent his dew upon them from which came a great fame so that all people savoured this fame like food [and the firmament sustains it] (additional […]

Project Hildegard #24 (2)

The sixth piece in the song cycle: St Ursula at lauds. The high voices and tripping feet of young girls. St Ursula at lauds: no. 6 et ideo puelle iste and so these girls were supported by the highest men bearing the banners [and the firmament sustains it] of virginal nature’s royal issue (additional text in […]

Project Hildegard #2 (4)

Here is the fifth antiphon in my song cycle St Ursula at lauds. It starts the second half of the cycle and introduces some new ideas (notably the heart beat), but it is also linked to the previous four pieces in the series (see last Wednesday’s post). As I recorded and revisited this chant (twice) […]

Project Hildegard: St Ursula at Lauds (Part 1)

Here, as promised, the first half of my song cycle for St Ursula put together as one piece. St Ursula at lauds: Part 1 (no.s 1 to 4) – the kiss of peace divine zeal in highest praise gave the kiss of peace to the virgin Ursula, with her crowd, among all the people; so […]

Project Hildegard #23 (2)

This is the fourth piece in my song cycle for Saint Ursula. It forms the end of the first half of the cycle. All the pieces in this first half have “osculum pacis ursule virgini” (the kiss of peace to the virgin ursula) as a repeating motif, using variations on the same musical setting for […]