quia ergo femina – because a woman Written with the vocal ensemble La Noeva in mind, this is a six-part piece for female voices – an appropriate setting for a text that celebrates that “the highest blessing is found in female form” 😉 I hope to have the chance to sing this live with the […]
quia ergo femina Because it was the feast of her immaculate heart on June 20th, here is a short chant in honour of the Virgin Mary. Note that ‘the highest blessing is in female form’ 🙂 Because, therefore, a woman prepared death, an illustrious virgin now subdues it, and thus the highest blessing is found […]
o bonifaci – it runs and it flows This one turned out to have a tempo of about 58 on the metronome. Like a nice restful heartbeat. It seemed to ask for a soft rhythmic approach, so no percussion this time, and lots of accompanying cello. The pizzicato runs and flows to match the text: […]
o bonifaci A chant written for Saint Boniface, whose feast day is June 5th. If you’re curious to hear another version, here is Stevie Wishart’s recording (© SW), featuring the beautiful voice of Jocelyn West as the soloist in the beginning.
laus trinitati – in the choral tradition A chant written in honour of the holy trinity, I knew that I wanted this one to be for three voices in its revisited form. It’s turned into a sort of homage to the great choral tradition, with definite echos of Charles Stanford, a composer whose works I […]