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Hildegard Revisited

In March 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic and resultant confinement started me off on a project to record and revisit all 77 liturgical chants written by the 12th century magistra, visionary, healer, poet, musician and all-round influencer, Hildegard Von Bingen. As the project grows, I am keeping a track of all the chants that I have sung and revisited on this page, together with the date the first version of each was posted.

You can also listen to this project on SoundCloud. (I have put the ‘pure’ chants together in one SoundCloud playlist, the revisited one are in another.)

And you can listen here to my interview (24.05.2022) with Bénédicte Minguet about Hildegard, her healing qualities, and this project, on Hors-champ, radio RCF Liège.


47. cum processit

[Recording not yet available of Cum processit – the finger of God]

the finger of God (October 18, 2024)

antiphon for the Virgin Mary (September 2, 2024)

46. o splendidissima gemma

Maria, chorzta gemma (August 20, 2024)

antiphon for the Virgin Mary (June 27, 2024)

45. o magne pater

grief and supplication (March 4, 2024)

antiphon for God the Father (January 10, 2024)

44. o presul vere civitatis

the smoke of spices (November 28, 2023)

sequence for Saint Disibod (June 20, 2023)

43. o quam preciosa

precious hope (April 6, 2023)

responsory to the Virgin Mary (March 28, 2023)

42. o cruor sanguinis

blood of blood (March 18, 2023)
votive antiphon for the redeemer (February 17, 2023)

41. kyrie eleison

have mercy (December 11, 2022)
kyrie of the mass (November 4, 2022)

40. o choruscans lux stellarum

shining gem (October 31, 2022)
votive antiphon for the dedication of a church (August 16, 2022)

39. o ignee spiritus

gives taste to the soul (September 29, 2022)
hymn to the holy spirit (June 6, 2022)

38. o rubor sanguinis

the flower’s blood (May 6, 2022)
antiphon to Saint Ursula (March 17, 2022)

37. o orzchis ecclesia

the shining jewel (February 28, 2022)
votive antiphon for the dedication of a church (January 15, 2022)

36. cum erubuerint

the wanderings of the fall (October 19, 2021)
antiphon to the Virgin Mary (August 17, 2021)

35. o quam mirabilis

the wondrous breath (August 11, 2021)
votive antiphon for the Creator (August 1, 2021)

34. o jerusalem

city of gold (part 2) (June 19, 2021)
city of gold (part 1) (May 25, 2021)
sequence for Saint Rupert (April 23, 2021)

33. spiritus sanctus

glorious life (March 8, 2021)
antiphon for the Holy Spirit (March 24, 2021)

32. mathias sanctus per electionem

like a giant (March 17, 2021)
hymn to Saint Matthias (February 24, 2021)

31. o tu illustrata

divine brightness (February 14, 2021)
votive antiphon for the Virgin Mary (February 7, 2021)

30. rex noster

the clouds weep (February 3, 2021)
responsory to the Innocents (January 20, 2021)

29. o speculum columbe

o wonderful flowering (January 10, 2021)
antiphon to St John the Evangelist (January 1, 2021)

28. o euchari columba

the wheel (December 28, 2020)
responsory to St Eucharius (December 18, 2020)

27. alleluia o virga mediatrix

alleluia – o sweet illumination (December 13, 2023)

body and voice (December 9, 2020)
alleluia to the Virgin Mary (November 27, 2020)

20-26 + 2. Office for the feast of Saint Ursula: 8 antiphons in matutinis laudibus (for lauds).

Complete cycle: St Ursula at lauds (Part 1 the kiss of peace; Part 2 the firmament sustains) (-November 18, 2020)

26. Antiphon 8: sed diabolus

revisited (November 21, 2020)
antiphon in matutinis laudibus (St Ursula) (October 18, 2020)

25. Antiphon 7: deus enim rorum

revisited (November 15, 2020)
antiphon in matutinis laudibus (St Ursula) (October 18, 2020)

24. Antiphon 6: et ideo puelle iste

revisited (November 12, 2020)
antiphon in matutinis laudibus (St Ursula) (October 18, 2020)

2. (rerecording) Antiphon 5: aer enim volat

revisited (November 10, 2020)
antiphon in matutinis laudibus (St Ursula) (October 18, 2020)

23. Antiphon 4: deus enim in prima muliere

revisited (November 3, 2020)
antiphon in matutinis laudibus (St Ursula) (October 18, 2020)

22. Antiphon 3: de patris etiam earum

revisited (October 31, 2020)
antiphon in matutinis laudibus (St Ursula) (October 10, 2020)

21. Antiphon 2: unde quocumque

revisited (October 28, 2020)
antiphon in matutinis laudibus (St Ursula) (October 9, 2020)

20. Antiphon 1: studium divinitatis

revisited (October 21, 2020)
antiphon in matutinis laudibus (St Ursula) (October 9, 2020)

19. hodie aperuit

the door opens (September 30, 2020)
antiphon to the Virgin Mary (September 26, 2020)

18. o virtus sapientie

the three wings (September 22, 2020)
antiphon to Divine Wisdom (September 13, 2020)

17. ave maria

relatively space (September 8, 2020)
responsory to the Virgin Mary (September 4, 2020)

16. o virga ac diadem

the introverted sister of o ignis spiritus paracliti (August 26, 2020)
sequence to the Virgin Mary (August 18, 2020)

15. ave generosa

version “hurdy gurdy” (August 9, 2020)
hymn to the Virgin Mary (August 7, 2020)

14. o beata infantia

disibod’s canon (August 1, 2020)
a blessed childhood (July 31, 2020)
antiphon to St Disibod (July 14, 2020)

13. o viriditas digiti dei

growth surrounds him (July 9, 2020)
responsory to St Disibod (July 6, 2020)

12. quia ergo femina

because a woman (June 28, 2020)
antiphon to the Virgin Mary (June 23, 2020)

11. o bonifaci

it runs and flows (June 19, 2020)
antiphon to St Boniface (June 17, 2020)

10. laus trinitati

in the choral tradition (June 12, 2020)
antiphon in praise of the Trinity (June 9, 2020)

9. o ignis spiritus paracliti

may the funky spirit be with you (June 7, 2020)
sequence to the Holy Spirit (June 1, 2020)

8. columba aspexit

the dove looked in (May 26, 2020)
sequence to St Maximin (May 23, 2020)

7. o felix apparicio

with cello harmonics (May 19, 2020)
antiphon to St Rupert (May 16, 2020)

6. o clarissima mater

with cello groove (May 12, 2020)
responsory to the Virgin Mary (May 8, 2020)

5. o frondens virga

seen in the mirror of fa (May 4, 2020)
antiphon to the Virgin Mary (May 2, 2020)

4. o viridissima virga

hope springs eternal (April 28, 2020)
hymn to the Virgin Mary (April 21, 2020)

3. karitas habundat

in loving memory of Rachel (June 3, 2020)
neumes unite (April 16, 2020)
antiphon to the Holy Spirit (April 8, 2020)

2. aer enim volat

needs and duties (April 1, 2020)
antiphon in matutinis laudibus (St Ursula) (March 29, 2020)

1. o pastor

herder of souls (revisited in November 11, 2021)

nuns gone rogue (March 28, 2020)
antiphon to the Redeemer (March 18, 2020)

Here are some extracts from my very first review, written by Stéphane Dado (directeur artistique adjoint at Les Nuits de Septembre, Festival de Wallonie, Belgium), following a live performance of six of my pieces (you can read the full review here):

Penelope Turner … s’est emparée des monodies envoûtantes d’Hildegard von Bingen afin de leur offrir un écrin polyphonique des plus somptueux … cette réalisation est une totale réussite.

Penelope Turner … has taken the bewitching monodies of Hildegard von Bingen and offered them a most sumptuous polyphonic setting … this achievement is a total success.

Avec un talent consommé, Penelope, qui maîtrise de l’intérieur toutes les inflexions de cette musique, superpose sur chaque mélodie originelle un tissu raffiné d’harmonies délicates qui respectent scrupuleusement le matériau médiéval, qui en renforcent la puissance émotionnelle et le caractère capiteux, au point peut-être de rendre cette esthétique mystique de plus de 750 ans plus accessible pour le grand public !

With consummate talent, Penelope, who thoroughly masters all the inflections of this music, superimposes onto each original melody a refined fabric of delicate harmonies, which scrupulously respect the medieval material and reinforce its emotional power and exuberant character, to the point perhaps of making this mystical aesthetic that is more than 750 years old more accessible to the general public!

Si la compositrice d’aujourd’hui a l’humilité de s’effacer et de se fondre dans la musique de son illustre prédécesseur, elle n’en offre pas moins une création originale aux sonorités inscrites dans la modernité du XXIe siècle.

While today’s composer has the humility to step aside and blend in with the music of her illustrious predecessor, she nonetheless offers an original creation with sounds embedded in the modernity of the 21st century.

Rien ne heurte jamais l’oreille, rien n’est stylistiquement contre-nature, chaque pièce jouit aussi d’un « habillage » personnalisé, il n’y a pas de systématisation procédurière dans ce travail d’écriture de sorte que l’eau du fleuve hildegardien est toujours la même mais n’est jamais la même, un véritable trait de génie au regard d’un répertoire aussi iconique et intouchable.

Nothing ever jars the ear, nothing is stylistically unnatural, the polyphonic flow runs naturally in a shimmer of seemingly simple yet elaborate harmonies. Each piece also benefits from a personalized “dressing” – there is no procedural systematization in these compositions such that the water of the Hildegardian river is always the same but is never the same – a real stroke of genius for such an iconic and untouchable repertoire.