With my hand out of action (damaged nerve from too much cycling!) and therefore unable to play my cello and finish #39(2) for the time being 🙁 here is #40 getting me back in the saddle (so to speak).
This one gave me plenty to think about, as the manuscript seems to contain errors that need resolving – and the question is what’s the best solution possible? I have taken this chant to be in the E mode, transposed to A, which seems to be helpful in deciding on where there should be B flats. Then, for the tricky passage around “et civis sanctorum”, I have opted for a transposition down a third, with a slight correction so that the figure reflects other similar figures in the piece. I think it works pretty well, although I’ve just noticed a little mistake in my text placement (spot it and you get a prize!). Anyway, if you’re interested, compare the audio with the manuscript and see what you think.
o choruscans lux stellarum
o glittering starlight o most splendid and special form of regal marriage o shining gem you are adorned like a noble lady with no spotted wrinkle and you are a companion of angels and a citizen among saints flee, flee the cave of the old betrayer and come, come into the king’s palace.

This project is on SoundCloud
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