Today is the feast day of Saint Disibod, one of Hildegard’s all-time favourite saints. Among her 77 liturgical chants, she wrote no less than five in his honour.
As part of this projcet, I have so far set two: no. 13 o viriditas digiti dei – growth surrounds him
and no. 14 (written for the women’s a cappella group La Noeva) o beata infantia – a blessed childhood. This second piece will have a live airing during the Journées du Patrimoine 2021 at the abbey of Maredret, the weekend of September 11th, 12th. The La Noeva will sing six short interventions during the weekend, each one featuring one of the six chants set specially for them (see my SoundCloud La Noeva playlist). We will be joined by the entrancing narrator and story-teller Julie Renson, do join us if you can 🙂
#hildegardvonbingen #chantrevisited #ilovemycello #acappella #lanoeva

This project is now on SoundCloud
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